• Question: do you like donuts and does any part of food have anything to do with science?

    Asked by itslukey to Alan, Damian, Emma, Liam, Luca on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Liam Bagley

      Liam Bagley answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      I love donuts! Total guilty pleasure for me! There is a krispy kreme place near where I work and I have to fight temptation everyday when I walk past!
      There is a lot of science involved with donuts believe it or not. Food scientists will test donuts to make sure people can eat them and ensure they aren’t going to make us ill with stomach bugs and other nasties. The factory will have loads of scientists working there, testing the donuts and the machines that help make them. The production of new flavours and preservatives for the food will also be developed by scientists at some point. We need to ensure that the donuts last as long as they can whilst remaining fresh, this is a scientists job to develop and make these in the first place.
      So I challenge you itslukey to become a food scientist and make the freshest and best tasting donut ever made! That would be a brilliant career!
