• Question: what extreme human limits have you completed

    Asked by amyharper to Alan, Damian, Emma, Liam, Luca on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Liam Bagley

      Liam Bagley answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Hi Amy,

      I personally really enjoy fitness and moving around! I think I was pushed to my limits doing an event called the commando speed march in Scotland last year, where you carry a rucksack of 16kg up the mountains in Scotland for 6.7miles in under one hour. That really hurt!
      Everyones limit however is different depending on how fit you are and how well adapted peoples muscles are to carrying out work. Some people have more muscle fibres which are better designed for running long distances, where as others have more muscle fibres which are better at lifting big weights. So everyone has a different limit

