• Question: What has been the most successful experement you did

    Asked by jess10amy to Luca, Liam, Emma, Damian, Alan on 19 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Emma Ross

      Emma Ross answered on 19 Jun 2013:

      That’s a great question! Experiments can be successfull in all kinds of ways – if they run smoothly, and nothing goes wrong, or if all the particpants perform really well in the exercise tests, or if you find some really interesting results.

      I would say my most successful experiment has been where we were the first researchers to ue a number of measurements in the same experiment to see how the brain copes with exercising in low oxygen. We measure brain blood flow with something called a transcranial ultrasound doppler, we measure how much oxygen was in the brain using something called Near Infrared Spectroscopy, and we measured how well the brain could send signals to the muscles using a tool called transcranial magnetic stimulation. It was really hard work, but it’s great to try things that others haven’t done before, and even better when they work out!
