• Question: What interests you most in your work and why?

    Asked by 12ceharland to Alan, Damian, Emma, Liam, Luca on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Liam Bagley

      Liam Bagley answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      I think its rprobably how humans adapt to things around us and what we do. Tiny changes in our activity makes us much more likely to lead a happy and long, disease free life. Where as reductions in this massively increase our risk of disease, I think its amazing how just moving around can do that!
      I think seeing this adaptation and writing about it probably the most interesting thing I do


    • Photo: Emma Ross

      Emma Ross answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      The brain interests me the most. The challenge with the brain is that it is hard to investigate because it is so well protected by the skull! So we have to use inventive techniques like brain imaging, or brain stimulation to find out more about what is happening inside. The fact that it is challenging to study how the brain functions makes it really interesting for me!
