• Question: What would be the quickest way to lose weight through gym. By this I mean what excersise would be best. Thank you

    Asked by madmanondareach to Alan, Damian, Emma, Liam, Luca on 18 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Liam Bagley

      Liam Bagley answered on 18 Jun 2013:

      Hi madmanondareach,

      I think personally a few different exercises help us burn more fat than others. A lot of my research is into High Intensity Interval training, going really fast and really hard! The people I recruited and had do this type of exercise on a bike lost over 1kg in body fat! Thats a bag of sugar, which is really heavy when you think about it. The way this type of exercise works is it shocks your muscles and brings about changes which make it more efficient at burning fat, so you burn more fat just by walking around and doing your normal day to day stuff!
      The exercise that burns the most fat in one session is probably a moderate intensity jog or cycle, about 60% of your full effort for long periods, I’m talking over 20 minutes, which can get quite boring in the gym! This works because your muscles use a lot of oxygen to oxidise fat and have a plentiful supply at this sort of rate of exercise.
      Finally, I would also involve strength training in a workout, in order to build muscle mass. Bigger muscles have a higher basal metabolic rate, which means that they burn more fat and energy by simply moving in every day activites like walking down the street. Bigger muscles also generally give us the capacity to lift more, which is always good news!
      A combination of all 3 tend to have people fighting fit in no time!

      I am also a British Army Physical Training Instructor in my spare time and think the army have fitness improvement and getting folk fit fast dead on, check this out for some general advice if you want to get fit!

