• Question: why are only you 5 scientists in this event, why not more scientists?

    Asked by jimmyraville to Luca, Liam, Emma, Damian, Alan on 17 Jun 2013.
    • Photo: Damian Bailey

      Damian Bailey answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      What! You want to spend time with more than 5 scientists in one go? Wow, you sound super keen! I think we’ve been chosen because our research is relevant to the Human Limits Zone and 5 experts is probably enough to try and answer some of the interesting questions that are being asked.

    • Photo: Liam Bagley

      Liam Bagley answered on 17 Jun 2013:

      I hope 5 of us would have the knowledge to answer all of your questions. If not, we aren’t doing our jobs right I guess!
      This even has pulled together so many people and the other scientists in this zone are at the top of their field and know a lot. Don’t worry, you’re in safe hands!

